On Oct 21, 2011, Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” But we have a problem. The moral universe may (or may not) be following a graceful arc, but the arc of history has hit an inflection point and bends toward disaster. How do you determine if the curve has hit an inflection point? Solve the second derivative of the given function.
Every aspect of governance in the world and in every nation has become decrepit and corrupted and no longer fits any usable purpose. The candidacy of a wholly unsuitable person in the USA is simply the scab over the deeper malaise. Every system of rule-of-law in the world has depended on the system being populated by persons with good intent. That edifice has dissolved allowing mean, uneducated and misinformed actors to attain power and ruin every aspect of successful civilization.
In an article by Michael Ignatieff in The Globe and Mail, titled “If China and Russia combine forces, they’d be a major threat to American hegemony” he explains why now would be an excellent time for simultaneous action by both dictatorial states to advance their geopolitical interests - Russia to take all of Ukraine and China to seize Taiwan and the combination of these actions would be too much for USA and “The West” to counter.
The way out of this mess, to realign the arc of history, requires totally correcting the poor systems of governance as regards national constitutional law and United Nations governance as well as certifying that unfit candidates are barred from public office. That would include all present candidates in USA, Canada and many other countries as well as their no-longer-effective systems of governance. All nations, especially the supposed leader of “Western democracies” (USA) must, this present year, choose a new effective leader to represent and consolidate the power of Freedom in this world. Of course you can calculate the chance of any of this happening - that is the second-derivative of the equation and you can’t solve it, so you may as well bend over and kiss your ass goodbye while you watch from the sidelines as the bad actors ruin what remains of the post-WWII world system. No hay otra camino!
"The way out of this mess, to realign the arc of history, requires totally correcting the poor systems of governance as regards national constitutional law and United Nations governance as well as certifying that unfit candidates are barred from public office." -- TOTALLY AGREE!
I have watched the incremental collapse of Western governments for the last fifty years and it is painful to watch and now it is at point of culmination. Our choice is stark, a long dark dismal age or reformation.
Ignatieff's article is dated in that they are ready strongly united in a permanent alliance beneficial to both. America's hegemony is gone and those two countries are playing the waiting game while the west destroys itself. Neither want war, they know war is for losers
Yes, I am well-aware of how serious. We have an aspiring dictator on one hand partnered with fundamentalist Christians who don't believe climate change is an issue, and an incumbent that has been backing genocide in Gaza with the fact 92 percent of the weapons used, we sold to him. Said incumbent passed weak climate change legislation, weakened by the deniers, but himself approved drilling in Alaska and just recently "paused" even deadlier LNG terminals in the Gulf. If he is reelected, I doubt that will hold, and certainly Trump will move forward on it. The country is flirting with civil war, and increasing events from the climate crisis threaten to take down economies all over the world. These circumstances are ripe for totalitarian rule.