William Astore has a great post today, titled “They Hate Us for Our Bases and Bombs - It would be hard to kill U.S. soldiers in Syria, Jordan, Iraq, et cetera if they weren't there”
This is relation to the new US bombings of sites in the Middle East, as part of “not expanding the war” further.
What exactly can be said of a nation that is so diminished in its diplomatic powers that in any new situation the first tool it picks up is a bomb, an instrument of hate? Should not a “world leader” demonstrate positive leadership to other nations? Why would a display of lethal force in every situation be a good example for others to follow, when you are using force supposedly to dissuade others from using same? Why does this rogue nation ignore the United Nations and govern the Middle East via its Central Command? You do NOT engender Peace with bombs any more than democracy comes out of the end of a gun. Peace can never come from hate and it is exponentially more than neutral - Peace is more than an absence of war or an absence of hate. Let’s write it PeaceLove - Peace raised to the power of Love. Will “they” hate you for that?