A New Sacrifice Zone in Indiana - Let’s call it Terra Perdu - Lost Land
The PRF (Purdue Research Foundation) which owns over 130 farm properties totaling over 10,000 acres in Boone County, Indiana along I-65 between Indianapolis and the university campus, has begun work, with federal funding and assistance of IEDC (Indiana Economic Development Corporation, a new chip development and production park called “LEAP Innovation District.”
Really, here cannot be yet another sacrifice zone anywhere on this planet. Yet it keeps continuing! When land is destroyed like this, it is lost virtually forever. Over 10,000 years of soil development since the last ice age, simply wasted. But who needs to grow food when you have such an excellent selection at the grocers? And where exactly is the abundant supply of water and energy and waste services in this area? This is definitely one step of Progress too far, that nobody needs and does nothing to end human’s war against Nature.