An unfortunate theme keeps appearing in the press involving sexual harassment, misogyny and violence within large institutions including military, sports and policing.
Exactly right. We have seen this over and over as women: on the job, out on the town,in education, with significant others, even our male children we tried to raise "right" turn out to be, often, misogynistic. It's a sad state of affairs when women can no longer (did we ever??) have full control and rights to our own bodies, and current laws take that away. Not only did the SCOTUS ban abortion, states are busy banning Plan B, and some even threatening to ban all birth control, as well as one calling for execution of women who get an abortion! "Right to life"??? Hardly. It is sickening all the way around, and getting worse. If Republicans have their way, it will be back to the 1950's or earlier for America's women. We must continue to fight.
Exactly right. We have seen this over and over as women: on the job, out on the town,in education, with significant others, even our male children we tried to raise "right" turn out to be, often, misogynistic. It's a sad state of affairs when women can no longer (did we ever??) have full control and rights to our own bodies, and current laws take that away. Not only did the SCOTUS ban abortion, states are busy banning Plan B, and some even threatening to ban all birth control, as well as one calling for execution of women who get an abortion! "Right to life"??? Hardly. It is sickening all the way around, and getting worse. If Republicans have their way, it will be back to the 1950's or earlier for America's women. We must continue to fight.