Geopolitics in a globalised world is like playing Russian roulette with a fully-loaded gun. The only way to get out unscathed is to drop the weapon. - Rachel Donald (2023)
Scientific American is doing a great service in their December 2023 issue in warning about the dangers of nuclear weapons and upcoming “modernization” of the entire US nuclear arsenal.
If you could possibly, for a few minutes, extract yourself from your carefully concocted cocoon of conscious comfort, and look at these very real threats to all of life, along with perhaps as many as 300 million deaths in USA, Canada and Mexico which can result from these installations of land-based ICBMs.
The proponents of nuclear “deterrence” have managed a spectacular mental gymnastic (probably possible only in the male brain) to treat nuclear weapons as both normal and necessary. The core of this present danger lies with the in-ground ICBM system employed in numerous states which were deemed to be as distant as possible from major urban settings. They admit that all these in-ground ICBMs are now redundant, since the mobile weapons (submarines and aircraft) can be anywhere at any time and thus more protected. But, They are going to upgrade these “Minutemen III” to “Sentinel” missiles with new warheads, because these (redundant) installations still represent a target to consume a huge number of “enemy” missiles to destroy these in-ground missile silos, thereby drawing “enemy” weapons away from civilian targets. But this is mistaken, since one of the new Russian multi-warhead super-sonic rockets, each capable of destroying an area the size of France, could possibly take out an entire array of silos around each command center. So perhaps only about 4 of these new Russian rockets could largely destroy the in-ground ICBM system. But look at the intense fallout scenarios in the Scientific American article! Perhaps 300 million people could die and more become seriously ill from these attacks, which in this world could happen at any time. And it would be (male-brain) imperative for the “enemy” to take out these missiles since the US maintains First-Strike readiness at all times. Even though these slow ICBMs are no match to the new Russian super-sonic, low altitude guided rockets which can fly in from any direction, including over the South Pole if desired.
Nuclear weapons are the most extreme of utter MADNESS! They must all be taken out and destroyed, along with all nuclear power plants which just generate heat and a continuous supply of more plutonium (to make bombs with).
Quoting from the “Inside the Pit Factory” article: “As Manhattan Project physicist I.I. Rabi had feared, according to a quotation in the 2005 book American Prometheus, ‘the culmination of 300 years of physics’ was a weapon of mass destruction.” That, and Lise Meitner’s long walk in the woods after the nuclear bombing of Japan.
The first atomic bombs (and their usage) were the result of faulty male-brain thinking, and the continued dependency on these to “ensure Peace” is continued absolute insanity! The entire enterprise is bat-shit crazy! Peace does not come from the end of a gun, or from a bomb; the American notion that there is a military solution to all problems (as illustrated by their over 700 military bases around the world) does not yield Peace - Peace comes from the heart. What can you provide that the other countries need?
We need to call upon the UN to initiate a world-wide treaty of friendship and cooperation between all nations. This nuclear madness cannot continue! The people promoting nuclear weapons are clear-thinking, level-headed people but they are DEAD WRONG! They would say that you cannot do unilateral disarmament. Why not? Just do it! These “devices” which cause an unimaginable level of destruction HAVE NO PLACE on this little planet, our only home. It takes a special form of insanity to come to the conclusion that these weapons of mass destruction are even contemplatible.
So nuclear weapons are the highest-ranking existential threat, higher than any other issue you can (or can’t) think of. Following that issue in second place, is micro- and nano- plastic pollution. The third-order threat is the climate catastrophe, but note that the planet will be fine, once it deals with this rogue species - it has at its disposal all the necessary tools to resettle the carbon cycle (and all the other cycles disturbed by humans). Unfortunately, the stupid humans are going to take out a lot of other species with them. Yes, coastal cities will be swamped. But the difficulties for the planet and Life in general in dealing with the nuclear wastes issue and the plastics issue will take exponentially longer to remediate.
The articles, in Scientific American December 2023, Vol.329 #5:
“The New Nuclear age”, p. 22-23 Editorial, page 72-73.
“The only way to win an arms race: Refuse to run.” - William J. Perry, former U.S. Defense Secretary.
From editorial:
“…these relics [ICBMs] are now justified as a “nuclear sponge” to absorb a Russian attack on the U.S. Why plant a $100-billion nuclear “kick me” sign on the country’s breadbasket.” Inside the Pit Factor, p.39-45. Sacrifice Zones, p. 46-55 Boom Times - p, 24-38
It's remarkable that the nuclear holocaust has not already happened in these 80 years or so since the first atomic weapons were used on Japan. This threat has been around us for so long, it seems to have faded to background noise. Those 700 military bases around the world, particularly those close to Russia, are likely a factor in provoking Putin's (classic male brain) invasion of Ukraine, further "justifying" more military investment. Sooner or later Murphy's law is going to apply here, and climate change as access to water and agricultural failure become profound, could be the tipping point.
A problem with today's nuclear power plants is not that they produce heat, but that they don't produce enough heat. Much hotter reactors (now being developed) would have primary and secondary heat that is more usable for a broad range of applications, and for electricity could have higher efficiency with smaller and cheaper turbo-generators, and in smaller sizes could be air-cooled, potentially providing the airflow and heat energy needed for direct-air CO2 capture.
Also, civilian power reactors did not supply the plutonium for today's arsenal of nuclear bombs. That plutonium came from production reactors, built expressly for that purpose.
Also, civilian power reactors were used to utterly destroy the warhead fuel from 20,000 nuclear bombs--more than exist in the world today. And many of those warheads came from satellite states after the breakup of the Soviet Union--states where much of their military hardware wound up being carted off and sold on the black market. No other option could have destroyed that fuel so irrevocably, which makes civilian nuclear power reactors the most potent anti-proliferation tool we've ever had--more effective than all the disarmament activists put together. Does anyone wish we had not had nuclear power plants with which to destroy that fuel? Would we have been better off if many nuclear bombs had made it to the black market?